Know Your Taxes. Avoid Penalties. Make More Money Faster.

The Simple Guide You'll Ever

Need to Grow Your Business.

This free guide will give top three 'high level' reminders to help you in tax matters.

Each chapter highlights some "juicy" tips so as to lessen your headaches and heartaches in complying with BIR requirements.

You will be able to focus on expanding on your business and lessen time worrying on paper tax matters.


Start your business,

twice as fast.

You can strategize your workload on how to handle business and tax matters.

Reach to meet target sales.

You will focus on meeting your target sales.

Be 10X more efficient

with tax compliance.

Tap the right person to help you with tax matters.

Time will be maximize .

Late filing and payment will be avoided as you are aware of the deadlines.




Resources -BIR


Minda P. is a seasoned Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with more than 20 years of experience in all facets of Accounting, Auditing, Advisory and PH Taxation for entreprenuers.

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We do not claim as TAX EXPERTS, but we are here to help and give the best advice possible, so you will be compliant to BIR regulations

DISCLAIMER: Do note that, the following interpretation provided is based on my knowledge and experience as an accountant. It is important to note that any official statement, policies, or interpretation issued by regulatory bodies, or authoritative sources will take precedence over the information presented here. We do not claim as TAX EXPERTS but we are here to help and assist the best way possible, to help you become compliant with the regulations.. If you're not willing to accept this message, please LEAVE THIS WEBSITE.

To God be the glory.

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